Automatic Chicken Rearing Equipment: Functions and Analysis

How to raise chickens? How to prevent and treat chicken diseases?

I believe everyone has raised chicken chicks in rural areas. For professional farmers, chicken chicks are very difficult to raise. If you are not careful, the chicks will die, causing economic losses. It can allow farmers to obtain higher economic benefits, so how to raise chickens? How to prevent and treat chicken diseases? Let’s go and have a look next!

  1. How to raise chickens?
    • Temperature and humidity control When raising broods, you must pay attention to controlling the temperature and humidity. Remember that the temperature in the brooding room fluctuates high and low. Generally, chicks have different temperature tolerances at different stages. If temperature and humidity problems occur, the chicks will become dehydrated. and intestinal diseases. Generally, 3-day-old chicks are suitable for brooding in an environment of 34~36℃. The humidity can be controlled at about 65%~70%. As the chicks grow longer, the temperature and humidity will change. It can be reduced gradually.
    • Drinking water and feeding. Because there are still some unabsorbed yolks in the chicks’ body, giving the chicks timely drinking water can promote the absorption of yolk, help the chicks’ digestion, and also improve the chicks’ resistance. In addition, when drinking water Appropriate glucose and water-soluble vitamins can be added to the food, and the drinking water should be kept clean to improve the disease resistance of the chicks. The feed should be fed less and more frequently, and the chicks should be sure to finish the feed at one time to avoid waste.
    • Lighting and stocking density. The food, exercise, drinking water of chickens are closely related to light and stocking density. Unreasonable lighting and stocking density will cause the chickens to become neurotic, reduce their food intake, affect the health of the chickens, and cause uneven stocking density. , will cause the chickens to grow in different sizes and be prone to diseases, so the control of light and stocking density is also very important.
  2. How to prevent and treat diseases in chickens?
    • Chickens have low resistance and are susceptible to diseases. Especially when chickens are raised in large groups, Newcastle disease, infectious bursitis, Marek’s disease, infectious bronchitis and other epidemics occur. Once the chickens become ill, it is usually a group disease. In order to suppress the spread of the epidemic, it is necessary to prevent the epidemic. Generally, chicks are vaccinated with Marek’s disease vaccine when they are 1 day old. When the chicks are 2 to 5 days old, use chick opening medicine to drink water to facilitate the purification of salmonellosis in the chicks. Injecting chicks with avian influenza virus vaccine can prevent Newcastle disease and infectious bronchitis. For chickens aged 22 to 25 days, use some antibiotics to prevent respiratory diseases in chickens. In summary, this is the introduction on how to raise chickens. If you want to raise chickens well, every detail of the breeding may have an impact on the chickens. In particular, you must pay attention to the prevention and treatment of chicken diseases, so that you can Let chicken breeding get twice the result with half the effort.

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